IWSD 2018 Recap
The K2 Alliance & SheJumps hosted the 5th Annual International Women’s Ski & Snowboard Day (IWSD) on Saturday, January 20, 2018 at 22 locations across the world. Women were invited to get together to celebrate skiing, snowboarding and the power of female camaraderie by having fun on and off the mountain.
Our goal was to encourage more females to go skiing and snowboarding – friends, sisters, moms, daughters. Whatever brand you ski on, Whoever you ski with, Wherever you ski, Enjoy the fallen flakes with your girls! It’s your day so lap the park with the girls, take a lesson, hike for pow, rip groomers, teach a friend to ski, get together for après.
22 events were hosted from Alaska to Germany. Over 1200 women participated making this the largest IWSD to date!
Video: https://vimeo.com/255099358

Photo by Ryan French

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