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Evening Hike on the James

Writer's picture: DirectorDirector

*********** DATE CHANGED to 5/24 DUE TO WET TRAILS ***********

Join the ladies of SheJumps for an Evening Hike on the James!  We’ll follow the winding trails around Pony Pasture for an approximately 2.5 mile loop hike as we explore the woods, wetlands and banks of the majestic James River.  After hiking for about an hour (or a little longer if we get distracted by the views and rock hoping), we’ll wonder down to the rapids of Pony Pasture to hopefully catch a beautiful sunset on the river.  Plan to meet in the Pony Pasture parking lot at 6 p.m. and set out on the trail at 6:15 p.m.  Parts of the trail could be muddy, please plan accordingly.

Don’t miss this awesome opportunity to check out the amazing trails and meet new likeminded outdoor women. Be sure to invite a friend and join the ladies of SheJumps by reserving your spot via Eventbrite today!

Registration Fee: $5

Eventbrite - SheJumps Evening Hike on the James

Join the Facebook event to get the latest updates!

Event Contact: Kelly Drewnowski –

(Proceeds to benefit future SheJumps programming.)

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