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Getting Hooked on Fly Fishing!

Last week, SheJumps (with Wasatch State Park and Western Rivers Flyfisher) held its first fly fishing 101 clinic in Utah! With sold out attendance, it began Thursday night with an intro to casting at Wasatch State Park’s pond in Midway, Utah, along with an introduction to knots and bugs.

After getting some great casting practice, the girls had a solid foundation to take their skills to the Middle Provo River on Saturday. The guides began by teaching the women how to examine the river to learn what the trout were eating. We kicked up the river to see what bugs were active. In an unusual occurrence, the Green Drake was hatching. Birds were diving, fish were jumping…it was a perfect day for the fish to feed. After breaking up into groups, we learned how to fish using soft flies downstream, broke for box lunches, then in the afternoon we tried our luck at dry fly fishing. Everyone hooked or caught at least one fish—from little browns to big browns. For girls who just started fly fishing, this was a big success thanks to our great guides at Western River Flyfisher.

The company was great, the teaching fantastic, and the girls were hooked on fly fishing by the end of the clinic. It was great to see everyone exchanging numbers at the end of the day to schedule some fishing days with new friends. That is what SheJumps is all about!

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