Good Times and Sick Climbs in Brooklyn
On Friday, November 1, SheJumps had our NYC launch at Brooklyn Boulders, and it was a blast! We had everyone from new climbers to regulars come join the fun, and BKB was hopping on Friday night. We had 17 participants from all over the tri-state area, and it was really great to have all the SheJumpers in one place, most meeting for the first time.

Once everyone was kitted up, BKB staff taught everyone how to auto-belay and boulder. The central point in the gym is a wall shaped like the Brooklyn Bridge, and several people in our group got to the top on their first try. There was also a slack line, which provided A LOT of entertainment. BKB is a fantastic gym with so much going on, and a very knowledgeable, fun staff (all of whom are now sporting Girafficorns, including many dudes). They were the best partners we could have hoped for, and we will definitely be back for more events.

After everyone’s arms were sufficiently sore, we had tacos from Oxaca Taqueria and all hung out in the back, planning future events. I am so thrilled with the turnout, and know there are many more great events to come in the NYC area. The fundraising component of the event was also a success! A HUGE thank you to everyone who come out!! Also, I could not have done this without the help of Sarah Knapp and Alison Berman- They were indispensable to the success of the event! -Annie Banfich, SheJumps Isis Ambassador.
