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Sept 13 Group Bike Ride and Bike Spa -Hadley Mass

We are exited to be partnering with Speed and Sprocket Cycle Works to bring this series to the Pioneer Valley in Massachusetts.

Sunday, September 13th-Group Ride and Bike Spa @ The Quarters in Hadley, MA from 10-1:30. This is going to be an extra special day of cycling goodness! We will meet at The Quarters at 10:00 and head out for an hour and a half or so on the road together as a group. All women are invited, and there is no charge for this portion of the day. After the ride we will head back to The Quarters for lunch and socializing. After lunch, starting around 12:30 we will being the Bike Cleaning clinic.

Please note there are limited spaces for the clinic, and you must sign up for it to reserve a space.

Cost (for just the clinic) is $15 and includes cleaners and lubes used for the clinic. Bring your bike and a drop cloth or old sheet you can lay out under your bike.

Women may come for one or the other, or both, but again, you MUST sign up for your spot in the clinic!!!

Questions? Contact Tracy Remelius at Get ready for a fun season of women’s rides with Speed and Sprocket Cycle Works

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