Appalachian Mountain Club will guide 12 skiers on an uphill , around, summit and ski down Camels Hump Mountain in Duxbury VT
Date: Sunday February 14, 2016 THIS TRIP IS FULL ! We can put you on the waitlist.
Please join other AMC-NH BC trips, which can be found:
Time: 9AM to 1- or 2PM
Cost :Free
Must Register: Limit 12
Please note that once you have registered, you will be send by email the location for parking in Duxbury
Trip description: We will skin up the Monroe trail to the bottom of the summit cone and proceed to the summit. Depending on conditions, we will drop the skis at the opening just before the summit and walk up to the top. Or we might just call it once we get to the opening, turn around and ski down the trail. One option is to look for a break in the rock cliff that apparently is skiable when there is enough snow. But we will see what we have once we are there and make a call.
Gear and essentials: A/T or tele skis with skins. Please come prepared with enough warm clothes on you and in your pack, and enough food and water for the day trip. Depending on the group speed this could be a 4 to 8 hour trip, so you will need enough clothes to keep you warm as we stop and regroup. You might want to bring a pad to sit on as we have lunch and a headlamp just in case we get delayed. Also, highly recommended for this trip are goggles and helmet; we will be skiing through thick woods and exploring them!
You will be responsible for your own gear. Be comfortable with your skis and confident that you can tackle both the downhills and the flat/uphill sections. If you have new gear, be advised that this is not the best trail to test it on. The group will be as fast as the slowest person since we will stay together. Also, you might want to leave some extra room in your pack for an eventual cache of group gear that we might ask you to carry.
David Goodman’s book, Best Backcountry Skiing in the Northeast book has a good description of the Monroe trail.
Skins will be needed for the climb up. We do not expect to be going into any terrain that presents an avalanche risk so avy gear is not needed. However, it is always a good idea to have some type of traction devices; we suggest micro-spikes or something similar in case things are icy near the summit. If you bring crampons, be certain that they are carried in a manner that will not cause injury in case of a fall.
An intermediate-level trip, so participants should be comfortable being out all day, skinning and skiing in (likely) variable conditions. Not a trip for BC beginners, but skiers don’t need to be experts, either. Alpine touring or telemark gear with skins.
A tour led by the AMC’s Casy Calver and Katie Brooks. For more information email or Guide for AMC