TOTALLY BONKERS ALL-DAY PARTY SKI! That’s really all there is to say! This Get The Girls Out event was the largest in SheJumps’ history with 192 ladies of all ages registered and a apres party to end all apres parties! Check out the video short Max Chesnut, SheJump’s favorite manicorn, put together:

This Get The Girls Out event had skill sessions, youth obstacle course, avalanche dog demo, scavenger hunt, skier ability groups, a group hike of the King and more. We would not be able to provide these unique opportunities without the service of our dedicated SheJumps volunteers here in Western Washington. Thank you to all the ladies (and men) who showed up and made all this happen!

I could write about all the rad sessions but really – the amazing photos by Ryan French & Blake Kremer tell the story beautifully:
Skill Sessions: Intro to Off Piste

Skier Ability Groups

Youth Obstacle Course

Queen of the Greens

Avalanche Dog Demo by Crystal Mountain Ski Patrol

Group Hike of the King

Hill Crawl & Holistic Skiing/SNOGA: Special thanks to our SheJumps ambassador Janet Perry for organizing the Hill Crawl, a progressive picnic enjoying the most scenic spots on the mountain as we make our way to the official GTGO apres party!

We wrapped the day with an all ages apres party on the sun deck with fabulous gear giveaway featuring K2 skis & snowboards! The raffle raised over $7000 for SheJumps programming and set the record for single day chance drawing within the organization. Special thanks to Elysian Brewing Co. who donated 250 co-branded t-shirts for the event which we gave away with the purchase of a arm’s length of tickets. This was a huge hit!

Want to extend the biggest high-five and most enthusiastic praise to our local SheJumps ambassador, Mrs. Cheryl Kochevar, for spearheading the planning of this event. She spent the whole season gathering goods for the raffle, hand sewing girafficorn face covers, crafting items for the kiddos and communicating with the mountain to get you all the deepest discounts on lift tickets. Volunteers like Cheryl are the reason SheJumps has been able to thrive for 10 years and provide more than 10,000 experience for women of all ages and backgrounds. Thank you for your service and commitment to our mission!

Big thanks to CLIF Bar who came out in full support with a team who created 400 custom hats for our apres party guests, brought a bevy of rad games and of course, plenty of Clif bars to snack on!

High five Crystal Mountain community – your help is making it all happen for SheJumps in the PNW!

SheJumps Get The Girls Out at Crystal Mountain is my favorite event for so many reasons – one of my favorites is that it marks my anniversary with the organization. Five years ago, I saw a poster in the lodge of a gal skiing in a rainbow tutu & wig – I decided I MUST attend this event. I convinced a bevy of friends of all skier abilities to join me for a all-girls ski party. The vibe, community and connections that day were everything I’d wanted for my girls and myself. I knew then and there that I must be part of contributing to the mission to increase the participation of more females in outdoor activities.

Five years later, I have fully dedicated my time, talents and efforts to SheJumps – creating the Wild Skills youth initiative to educate and completely stoke out the next generation of strong outdoor women. I’m forever grateful for the community I’ve gained through this work and thank everyone who actively supports it through donations, partnerships, attending events, sharing our story and volunteering their time to make it all happen!
If you’re interested in sharing your time & talents with SheJumps please sign up to volunteer here:

All the high fives to our ridiculously amazing partners who help make this magic possible:

GTGO Presenting Partner: K2 Skis
Supporting Partners:
Local In Kind Partners:
Learn more about our winter raffle partners here.