Over 30 girls came out and shredded Alyeska’s soft corn for an amazing day in the sun! We dressed in our finest, most glamorous outfits we could dig up. Girls as old as 5 dressed in unicorn and butterfly customs to young women in their 50’s wearing their finest tutu! There were smiles all around as we danced, penguin slid and spread eagled our way down the mountain. To have this many amazing, fun and talented females all come together to shred the mountain we love made this day one of the best days of the season for all of us.
The day was full of spread eagles, fist pumps, flying V’s, tram dancing, penguin slides, mogul skiing, bank slalom, BIG smiles, full on skis off dance party and even a 6 vs 6 female volleyball match in ski boots to top it all off! Thank you ladies of Alaska! You are truly amazing!
More photos to come …