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Surfgirls are jumping into Outdoor Fest

Join the ladies of She Jumps and NY Surf Chicas for a surf night at Lost Weekend Surf Shop on the Lower East Side.

The night will include a screening of Elisa Bates’ film AWAY – short documentary film that looks at the subculture of NYC surfing through the lens of three women that surf at Rockaway Beach.

We’ll enjoy refreshing Clifton Dry Cider + chat with local women who want to spend the summer surfing with other women. This event is perfect for both beginners and more advanced surfers.

Thursday, June 5, 2014 7:00pm – 9:00pm Lost Weekend 45 Orchard St New York, NY, 10002 United States

Outdoorfest is a week long celebration of the outdoors in New York City and is organized by one of our fabulous Northeast “jumpers” Sarah Knapp.

We hope you can make it to AWAY but if you can’t make sure you check the OutdoorFest schedule and get out there and enjoy spring in the city.

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