It was a dark and stormy night on October 19th, when a small but hardy group of girafficorns made their way to the Chalet Theatre in Enumclaw, WA for a “Back by Popular Demand” showing of “Pretty Faces, Girafficorn Picnic”.
Montucky Cold Snacks is an awesome new partner who provided refreshments in addition to the normal theatre fare. We all started off the season of winter stoke with laughs, applause and appreciation for the awesome skiing and fun that is Unicorn Picnic!
Apre’ film there was raffle swag galore provided by Elysian Brewing and Crystal Mountain Ski Resort who are both so supportive of our local Shejumps events! Thank you to all who turned out, we look forward to partnering with the Chalet Theatre for many more events!
Tacoma Ambassador
Cheryl Kochevar